Tagged: time management

Drive your own bus

Own Your Goals

If you have felt powerless over your work, career or life in general, it might be time for you to look long and hard at your goals and how you approach them. Creating your own personal and professional goals, and establishing a process for accomplishing them, protects you from going completely into a ditch when you hit an icy patch in the road. Learn how:

Thank you.

Stop Wasting Time!

Everyone I ask has the same response for why they haven’t answered an email, text or phone call: “I’m too busy!” Really?

Job Seekers: Self-Sabotage

Years ago I came up with a list of self-defeating behaviors that can sabotage efforts to becoming employed. A colleague’s advice was to flip all of my statements into desired behaviors or proposed actions...

Stop Waiting for a Job and Go to Work!

An epiphany hit me recently after reading an article about the current status of job loss in Washington State. Reporting “no jobs” does not necessarily mean there is “no work available.” The term “jobless,”...

How Different Will Your New Year Be?

You may have found the past year has been riddled with indecision and apprehension regarding many important issues: the economy, jobs, politics, healthcare, and government spending, to name a few. The list could go...

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick, Jack, jump over The candlestick. Jack jumped high Jack jumped low Jack jumped over and burned his toe. Although there are probably not many candlesticks to be jumped...

Make a Commitment to Reach Your Career Goals

Too often, people establish career goals the same way they make New Year’s resolutions. The problem with resolutions is that they fade away, are forgotten, and are only a distant memory by February. To...