Tagged: time management

Job Search & Productivity

It seems unemployment is up to almost 10%. Ok.. so what can you really do about it? My job is to help my clients achieve their career goals. We discuss alternatives, and design plans....

Is Your B.S. Meter Working?

Recently, one of my clients shared his frustration with the game that is played between candidates, H.R., recruiters, and hiring managers when sharing information (or not) about the status of a role or actual...

Dream Killer or Dream Builder?

One of the most frustrating elements of my job is helping people see the connection between what is and how they want things to be. Dream killer? I don’t think so. I consider it...

Stop Posturing and Go to Work!

One of the elements I see repeated most frequently in a down economy is the propensity for people to over state what they do, what they know, and who they are connected with. All...

Developing a Sense of Urgency

It struck me today, how easy it is to miss an opportunity by one day, or even an hour, and the impact it can have that changes things for a much longer period. After...

Commitment Self-Exam: Avoid self sabotage

Are you truly committed to making a change this year? If you answered yes, then avoid sabotaging your commitment to your goals by reviewing your habits and past behaviors. Examine your circumstances carefully to...