Tagged: job search

Unable or simply unwilling

Unable or simply unwillling

Most people would agree that when you have bills, need to earn a living and aren’t working, it doesn’t feel good. Unemployment creates anxiety, stress and fear. It undermines our self-confidence and depletes our...

It's not all about you.

Interviewing is not all about you

Preparing your answers for the most frequently asked interview questions is a good start, but if you don’t know the context of the role you are vying for, or are unaware of the real needs of the employer, you still won’t make it to the final rounds.

Get on Track!

Get Your Job Search on Track

If you are expecting to get your dream job, then it may be time to face some harsh realities about how that is most likely to happen.

Resumes Do Not Get the Job

Even if a resume captures an employer’s attention, the outcome of the interview will be the deciding factor to determine if the candidate will get the offer or not.