Procrastination is an excuse, not a reason
One of the biggest factors I see impacting many people’s pursuit of their employment goals stems from making excuses for not getting things done on time — or, in some cases, ever. When asking...
One of the biggest factors I see impacting many people’s pursuit of their employment goals stems from making excuses for not getting things done on time — or, in some cases, ever. When asking...
A significant trend that is picking up speed is the number of times commitments are forgotten, appointments are ghosted and reminders or offers of help are ignored. You’re busy. I’m busy. We’re all busy....
Throughout the news we can find reports of low unemployment and the availability of lots and lots of jobs. These statistics could lead you to believe that it is really easy to get a...
If you are dreading your next performance evaluation (for either real or imaginary reasons), then it’s time to start keeping your own scorecard so you can determine exactly where you stand. Your next review...
by Sherri Edwards · Published December 1, 2018 · Last modified October 31, 2018
Staying too long in a role can have extremely negative ramifications for a person’s mental health and marketability. If that’s so, you may be asking, what then is too long and how do you...
by Sherri Edwards · Published November 1, 2018 · Last modified October 12, 2018
It’s never too early or too late to create a picture of what you want in your life. Dreaming big and imagining all the possibilities open to you is a fabulous start to shaping...
In my last post, I covered the reasons why a passive job search typically does not produce the desired or longer-term results. An effective job search begins with taking a controlled approach, which is...
News reports indicate a big decline in unemployment and a steady increase in jobs. This news could be interpreted by many people to mean that getting the job of their dreams will be easy....
by Sherri Edwards · Published February 1, 2018 · Last modified January 11, 2018
There are many reasons behind why people stay stuck or prolong an unsuccessful job search process. If you have been unemployed or stuck in an undesirable role for an extended period of time, it’s...
by Sherri Edwards · Published November 1, 2017 · Last modified February 8, 2019
You’ve talked about starting a business, getting a new job or maybe buying a home. For longer than you care to remember, you have wanted to accomplish something major that will improve your life,...