Nurture Your Network

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7 Responses

  1. Ed Meadows says:


    What a perfect analogy! I’ve often wondered how people can make any headway trying to manage such large contact pools, and what is the point? Probably a very small percentage are of any real value and these should be nurtured, and the rest should be “weeded”. Quantity vs. quality.

    Ironically, I know someone who has thousands of Facebook “friends” (are they really “friends” or just cyber-contacts?) but he is still isolated. Quantity means nothing in this case.

  2. “Your network is your net worth”. – Tim Sanders.

  3. Neil Mann says:

    I too very much appreciate the analogy. So right now I am going out to tend to my lawn and this evening will start (again) to catch up on tending my network. I want both to be there when I need them.

  4. Michael Esposito ("Espo") says:

    Well said Sherri. Put differently, networking takes work, which is why they call it netWORKing.

  5. Thanks, Michael!

  6. Andy Raffalski says:

    The quality of your interaction with your network will ultimately determine your net worth !!

  7. martha says:

    I truly agree with you.Your network is like your home. It needs cleaning and order to live comfortably.