Fuel your job search with a goal and a sense of urgency

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6 Responses

  1. Chuck says:

    Hi Sherri
    What would you suggest then if you have ins with companies but can’t even get a phone call. I have tried everything from cold calling to contacts I have.


  2. Chuck,
    Thanks for writing. Breaking into a company requires a carefully thought out strategy. What you say and who you speak with will vary based on your contact’s position and their relationship to the department you would work in. Cold calling and asking about a posted position or simply asking for a job rarely gets results. Your communication needs to present a compelling reason for them to speak with you.It would include your interest in the company, the work they are doing or a specific individual. It is a process that involves developing relationships with people. If your target company is highly sought after, then we can assume many people are trying to break in as well. I would recommend learning more about the people you do know and expressing an interest in their work as a starting point. Developing rapport with them and showing a sincere interest in them/the company’s mission is more likely to get some traction.

  3. Kathleen says:

    Hi Sherri,
    As industries and technology change, I work with people who want to change careers. The conversations always come to asking what the person would like to do. Often they don’t have an idea of the possibilities because they have had only one career often in only one industry. (Think postal worker, newspaper layout, retail manager, school teacher.)

    What can I suggest they do to start finding a new direction? I have done strengthfiner which has given them insight but no planned approach. They are happy to jump on any train, but won’t know which one, neither when to get off.

    – Kathleen

  4. Hi Kathleen,
    Richard Bolles’ “What Color Is Your Parachute” or Nicholas Lore’s “Pathfinder” can help get people thinking, but a transition will be easier with professional guidance. It sounds like the people you are referring to would benefit from working with a career coach. Depending on their interests, skills,location and what their financial needs are, they would need to be advised as to what is most likely attainable in the market where they live. Although there are many resources that will indicate what a person’s interests are and potential career paths, they don’t necessarily relate that information to how to make their desired change happen in real time where they live. I work with people (all over the country)to develop a strategy for moving forward, then advise them on the tactical steps required. Each case is different, based on the person and the market in which they live. Many of my blogs help relate the practical steps needed. I hope that helps.

  5. Raymond Koosha says:

    Hi Sherri,

    Thank you for your Article! I am a EE with a contract work and am looking for a FT. Half of my time is spent on contacting companies direct and the other half to perform at my contract work and raising the level of my technical knowledge and skills. My search also extends to IEEE Jobs, Ex-coworkers, friends, and Alumni but none has worked so far. I don’t know if the positions posted by companies or recruiters are genuine! I hope this is an honest statement.
    I do have a career plan and am following most of the articles that are being published on LinkedIn or at IEEE_USA but still am confused. Shall I be working with a career coach? Please could you advice!

    I do look forward to hear back from you.

    Kind Regards,

  6. Hi Raymond,
    Thank you for sharing your circumstances. (My apologies for the delayed response. I’ve just returned from vacation). A career coach can help you assess your progress and the outcomes you have gotten from the contacts you have made to help you determine what needs to change. Sometimes it may seem like all the “right” things are being done, but it may require the assistance of a professional to evaluate what has actually happened and why it might be different for your circumstances. Please reach out directly via email ([email protected]) for more information.