Is it Ageism or Your Attitude?

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2 Responses

  1. Nina says:

    Well said, Sherri!

  2. Kristin Peterson says:

    Thanks for your comments on this subject. I agree totally and while I think that ageism is definitely a factor, it is not something anyone is ever going to be able to prove since employers are too careful to make any age-related comments. If we are ‘of a certain age’ and out there competing for jobs with younger workers then we absolutely have to have a young mindset and be prepared and willing to learn new things. That is, after all, what keeps us stimulated and feeling alive – among other things, of course. But your last paragraph is the most important one – at least for me. I have had to learn the hard way during the past two years how to ‘be honest about my mind, body, and spirit when pursuing anything’ – how to find the right balance for myself. And, it’s an ongoing process.