Tagged: networking

Taming a Random Search

There is a big difference between random acts and keeping an open mind. Random acts tend to take a person in many directions, without much discrimination or evaluation, and can use up considerable energy....

Nurture Your Network

What are you doing each day to nurture your network? Are you actively seeking ways to help others? Are you conscious of others’ needs as you go through your day? Do you listen and...

It’s the Easy Stuff That Can Make a Difference

It seems everyone waits for the ‘magic pill’ or ‘the answer’ to getting what they need or want. In the process, the most obvious things get overlooked. Take a look at the people you...

Networking: Career Fitness vs. Physical Fitness

When networking is recommended as a way of maintaining career fitness, I hear many excuses for why it is not possible, or at the very least, very difficult. January is a good time to...

Finding Work in a Slow Economy

Every week I get inquires from people regarding their job search. And, no matter how much I emphasize the need to invest in building relationships and targeting companies that are a fit, many resort...

Interviewing: What Employers Really Want

Trying to second-guess the answers to potential interview questions can be frustrating and time wasting. There are some basic concepts, when understood completely by the job seeker that can contribute to the success or...

Networking Etiquette 2

Many times I hear from people who have responded to a request for information from someone in their network never acknowledged the info or did not follow up with the information once it was...