Category: Business Tips

Drive your own bus

Own Your Goals

If you have felt powerless over your work, career or life in general, it might be time for you to look long and hard at your goals and how you approach them. Creating your own personal and professional goals, and establishing a process for accomplishing them, protects you from going completely into a ditch when you hit an icy patch in the road. Learn how:

Thank you.

Stop Wasting Time!

Everyone I ask has the same response for why they haven’t answered an email, text or phone call: “I’m too busy!” Really?

Taking Advantage of an Improving Economy

It’s important to stay focused and build a strategy for optimizing conditions during these improving economic times. The upswing in the economy/job market doesn’t mean it’s time to forget about planning..

A Word on Multi-Tasking

There has been a rumor going around asserting that it is “impossible to multi-task.” I suppose a declaration of this kind allows those who aren’t skilled at multitasking to feel triumphant, but very common...

Does your brand match the promise?

Many people seem to believe networking is only about visibility, i.e., the more people that know of you, the more successful you are. Visibility to a targeted audience may come through a dressed up...

Network Effectively to Reach Your Goals

Networking is typically the best way to learn about new opportunities, whether it is work related or otherwise. But random efforts produce random results. If you are not getting the results you had hoped...

Things To Do On a Snow Day

By the time this blog is read, the Washington State “snow days” of January 2012 may be long behind us. Still, the concepts can be applied when you encounter airport closures, canceled conferences/meetings/concerts or when...

Does Your Walk Match Your Talk?

Much of my work involves helping people become more effective at work, and if they are not working, more productive in their job searches. It is necessary for me to observe behavior and identify...