There really isn’t a magic pill for an effective job search

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2 Responses

  1. I completely agree with Sherry. It is all about timing and many things you can not control. What you can do to get the best result is follow all the given advice and dedicate a consistent amount of time everyday to doing those right things. Don’t lose faith and keep your momentum going. Doing these things will impact your confidence, help you to keep a positive attitude and everyone you meet will be positively impressed. People hire people they like. How you feel has everything to do with how you represent yourself!

  2. Sherri,
    I totally agree. So many times people come to me with PhDs and the expectation that I am the “Fairy Job Mother”. And how I wish I were!! But no. Each person must take their career (and their next job) into their own hands.

    Thanks for a great article!

    Connie Hampton