Drive Your Own Bus

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3 Responses

  1. Laura Grove says:

    Thanks, Sherri, for a thorough description of the next phase of our work on our careers!


  2. billy g says:

    Well put.

  1. December 1, 2018

    […] If you continue to face goals that are moving targets or if you are always feeling exhausted, bored or unsure, it’s time to stop ignoring the signs and being complacent. You’ve probably overstayed your stint with this employer, and it is time to move on. A change is needed, and it is essential to take action. Even if you haven’t really nailed down the precise issue that was causing your discomfort in the beginning of the process, creating and/or clarifying your own goals and working through the process of achieving the organization’s goals will benefit you in the end. It leads you to the awareness of what needs to change, what you want to gain by moving on to a more deserving employer and how much is really in your control to make things happen the way you want. To a greater degree than you think, you really can drive your own bus. […]